You are undoubtedly wondering why you even started to read this after the first sight of that loathsome word "Vampire" in it. THIS IS NOT ABOUT TWILIGHT. Girl Scouts Promise. Am I drawn in to the generation’s fascination over vampires? Guilty. I’m a True Blood junkie though I believe True Blood is on the far extremity of the vampire craze. After the season’s finale, leaving me gripping my bed sheets and screaming,” Why?!” at the TV, I’ve been having a hard time coming to terms of reality that I need to find another show to watch on Sunday nights. So in the honor of True Blood, I am dedicating my first blog analyze to you, you marvelous yet revolting yet fascinating show.
If one clicks on over to the site, you’ll find that it is a blog is in the words of Jessica, Bill’s baby vampire. Of course, vampires do not exist so obviously this is an entertainment/business blog.
Who is it directed towards:
This is merely written for the entertainment of True Blood fans, with many of the posts being Jessica’s feelings of that night’s episodes.
How Well Written:
The blog is almost eerie because the voice and slang used in the blog sounds just of that of Jessica on the TV show. Jessica was a Southern Belle before she was turned and her accent shines through in her blog.
Gut Feeling
Now the eerie part that gets me is that I’m sure the actress who plays Jessica does not write this. There is someone pretending to be her, writing in her adolescent slang, fabricating all these personal details and she is not even a real person. One particular post about troubles with her human boyfriend had 382 comments, all to this bogus person. After reading through some more posts, I had to convince myself that she was not real. Us junkies just don’t want to accept the reality of this all.
Letter Grade:
The blog was definitely intriguing and had caught and held my attention. I loved how Jessica's personality emitted from the blog and I felt like I knew her. The downside is well, she's not real. I also didn't like the cheesy videos posted on there and her running vampire speed away from the camera....I could have done without that.
“Our microwave is where I heat up my Tru Blood. Call me crazy, but I don’t think I could stomach the residual smell of nuked mashed potatoes and chicken in there.”
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