Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Small and Creepy

I justed typed into Google "creepy blogs" and this eye sore came up enjoy....?


After clicking around on this very,very strange blog, I found their bio. Their purpose is, “to connect people to great work that reflects that strange or outsider sensibility.” The purpose could be business for they make films and let readers submit films, but I’m not sure.

Who is it directed towards:

The blog is directed toward fellow weirdoes such as myself! Okay, so I am not this weird but it did fascinate me.
How Well Written:
There aren’t many words written on this blog but the ones that are grammatically good.

Gut Feeling:

I watched two short films, “Have You Seen My Sister Evelyn?” which was actually sort of cute while the “Black Box” just had an eerie sense to it. The filming reminded me something from “The Blair Witch Project” or the beginning credits of “American Horror Story”. Some of the pictures on the main page are interesting while I found a few to be disturbing. I really liked the brain picture, very creative.

Letter Grade:

There isn’t a lot of direction on the blog and what the purpose really is, though it makes up for this in creativity and creepiness.

Sew Fun!


The blog is a business blog, sponsored by Husqvarna Viking which is a sewing and embroidery company, with the purpose helping promote business, help customers, and obtain more clientele.

Who is it directed towards:

The blog is directed toward fellow sewers by providing technique and designs. Pictures and links are used throughout the essay to help assist readers.

How Well Written:

The author uses precise grammar and terms used in the world of sewing. There is quite a bit of promoting their company on each posting, though it still seems friendly and helpful, sort of like a good friend.

Gut Feeling:

Overall, the blog is very informative for sewers of all levels. The blog offers simple technique and designs to embroidering on silk for the advanced folks. As I said above, the tone comes off as friendly and endearing, even though they are promoting themselves. I find this a good way to promote business because if I were a beginner sewer and came across this blog, I would find links to sewing and embroidering machines, patterns, and materials.

Letter Grade:

Good business technique though I’m not a sewer (or ever will be) so I found it somewhat boring to read.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Rumor has it

“Can you even shoot a gun?” my friend asked across the table at Pizza Hut. “Well, no but I’m pretty bad ass so I’m sure I can handle it.” We were talking about my upcoming interview at the Madison Police Department. No one would have guessed I’d want to be a cop, not even me, but the opportunity presented itself during a bleak time. College classes are tough and then pitch in a child. I knew after the first week of classes that I couldn’t juggle all the tic-tacs on my lap. As I left my calculus professor’s office, feeling immensely confused than before, I passed the cork bulletin board, filled with listings for roommates and job offers. I stopped and read a posting from a “recently divorced 51 year old woman”, looking for student roommates that love cats but may not bring any of their own. I snickered, what a cougar. Above that posting was a bland posting and quickly scanned the header that read, “City of Madison”. It intrigued me so I sent an application in. I was in limbo over what to do with my life. I loved English but knew the lavish lifestyle I craved would not suffice on a teacher’s salary. As I read the starting salary for an Associate’s Degree, I became exceedingly interested. The salary was compatible to jobs that require 4-6 years of schooling. Next year I would be obligatory to transfer and Madison was the place. I’m fickle. As much as I have dreamed of attending UW-Madison, it would never be the same. “I
have myself and now a son to support, can I realistically keep going to school, racking up debt?”. My friend nodded,” but a cop? It’s dangerous.” As I a smirk started to surface, I responded, “Oh it will be thrilling.”

Walk it off love

His face scrunched in dismay, “You have a kid?” I mentally rolled my eyes, thinking back to my phone background, the button pinned to my backpack, and the keychain, all donning pictures of my son. “Yes,” as I slide my phone to unlock and showed him a photo,” he’s five months old.” He uneasily smiled and looked down at his plate. Well, there goes that date. Throughout the movie, he kept glancing at his phone, turning the bright screen away from view, gliding his fingers across the touch screen. A discreet smirk played across his lips as the phone’s glow luminated his face. Handsome, I’d give him that, yet not someone who would appreciate my flamboyant nail color or societal sarcasm. I knew I was strange, a tad bit quirky. I dodged his stare as I told the waiter I just wanted the bread basket and a slice of chocolate cake at dinner. As he asked my favorite movies and TV shows, I saw his eyes glazed over as I rattled out V for Vendetta, The Tourist, American Horror Story, and True Blood. I knew I wasn’t the typical blonde who cared more about her social stature than her brains but life would be dreadfully boring if this was so. I was also blessed with an eccentric sense of humor, which turned off certain people….and this guy was one of them. As I cracked a joke as a response to his remark, I was given a disconcerted smile, chased by a nervous sip of his drink. The night finished with an uncomfortable silence as we both headed for our cars and he mumbled, “Cya in class Tuesday.” Good lord, this what I have to look forward to.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Kari + Nathan

Why do people have to be too cute??? (check out their baby’s Halloween custome! An owl really? Why didn’t I think of that!)


This blog is a personal blog but has a creative edge to it.

Who is it directed towards:

The blog is directed towards the family’s friends and families, though probably have a few passbyers like me who find the form they use very intriguing...and cute.

How Well Written:

The author uses the list form quite a bit for example, one post consists of sentences that start with “That”. The author also has rhythm within this piece,
“It's far more than I imagined.
More astounding.
More sweet.
More sacred.
More exhausting.
More painful.
More indescribable.
It's all just so much more”

Gut Feeling:

This is the cutest blog I’ve ever seen! I’m very jealous. The unique ways they post just inspires me to write. I’m creative, but not this creative. The author woos you with words and draws you in to read more and explore your own writings.

Letter Grade:


I’m absurdly jealous.

I'm A Single Mom

I’m a single mom, just trying to rebuild my life. It seems as if I do not have time for anything else but my son. I am lucky if he naps for a half hour. Even then I have to debate whether to work on my calc homework, clean out his bottles, finish his laundry, work out, or nap myself. I have a wonderful support system that allows me small amounts of time to do things I need or want to do but they have lives of their own.

I’m a single mom who once strived to become a doctor. That’s how I had gotten through high school, by telling myself that I will one day go to an exquisite college that makes people sigh in envy. I had the means to become a doctor but I’ve had convince myself that I no longer want to be a doctor. It’s just not in the cards that I hold.

I’m a single mom trying to date again. Some women cannot go for a month without attention from the opposite sex. I get it every day…well from this little man I call my world. I haven’t had contact with a grown male for over a year. It’s hard to jump back into the chaotic world of dating with someone else in tow. I cannot bounce from man to man, nor did I do this before, but this time around I know there will be far more failing relationships. There are now two people who can either be happy or hurt from relationships, my son and me, and I’ll have to tiptoe around these relations.

I’m a single mom who sometimes questions why I became a mother. On days, I feel like bashing my head into the wall as he shrieks in my arms. A goodnights sleep is five hours if the heavens decide to part the sky and let me. Or those wrenching crying fits inside Wal-Mart and everyone just beam their angry eyes at you. I know what they are thinking, a young mother who is not capable enough to handle her child.

I’m a single mom and I admit to doing some not so respectable things. I put my son in front of the TV. I don’t just let him vegetate in front of the plasma screen with Dora speaking Spanish all day. In the mornings usually as I get ready. That is my “me” time during the day so I put him in front of the TV with a colorful show for about thirty minutes. I saw on my newsfeed one young mother criticizing another young mother for letting her two month old watch “Little Einstein”. Good Lord, get over it, it can be stimulating. Sometimes you have to do what works because I cannot be chauffeuring around my little one on my hip everywhere I go. I cannot shower, do the dishes, use the restroom, etc with a fifteen pound baby in one arm, it’s just not realistic.

I'm a single mon who knows the entire theme song to "Ruby&Max", periodically spotting spit up on my shirts, and an expert at price matching diapers. His needs come before mine. I have to sacrifice a new pair of Toms to buy him a new pair of crib shoes. It's just the way it is yet I don't mind.

I'm a single mom and my love for my son will never falter or fade away, it will only grow with each day.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Year of Biblical Womanhood


Rachel Held Evans spent an entire year dedicating her life to the “Womanhood Project”. She followed the Bible’s instructions for women as literally as possible. Such as not cutting her hair for a year, referring to her husband as master, making her own clothes, and the post I will be reflecting on, camping out in her front yard during her period. The blog isn’t meant to mock the Bible, more of how we are “picking and choosing” what from the Bible we should apply to our lives.

Who is it directed towards:

The blog can be directed towards anyone. I’m sure it is directed towards the modern day Christians but I don’t think the traditional Christians would appreciate the blog. It’s humorous so I believe it can be enjoyed by anyone of any religion.

How Well Written:

The author is a well-known writer so obviously she does a fantastic job at describing her experiences. Though in her blog, she is more laid back in descriptive imagery. Her writing is more comparable to an average woman blogger. She is more straightforward with her writing and uses slang such as, “scaring the crap out of me,” which probably could have been described in more and better detail.

Gut Feeling:

I love the concept of this blog. I’m a firm believer in not following everything the Bible says. We live in a contemporary society where much of what the Bible says can be seen as outdated. We no longer make our own clothes, refer to men as “master”, and certainly do not avoid all contact with men during our period…though it would be a nice vacation every month.
She connects to her readers and even comments back on her reader’s posts, even if they disagree with what she is doing. What she is doing is an extreme which can be viewed by many readers differently but she is essentially taking a stand against society who “picks and chooses” what to follow.

Letter Grade:

I love the humor and it’s something drastic that I could see myself doing just so I can laugh at society….or they can laugh at me.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

3 Words

“Describe yourself in three words,” the bold font read on the front page of my application. As I sat in the cool, steel fold up chair within the Dane County Police Academy, the dreary, gray walls vaguely resembling a prison cell, I silently snorted at the cliché question.

That was one of the mindless questions my first employer asked, me at the young age of fifteen, found myself sweating frantically as the manager stared at me awaiting my answer. I don’t recall what I had answered, probably something along the lines of responsible, caring, driven….who knows, I basically pulled the answer from thin air.
Teachers were always accustomed to using this question on the first day of school when we all awkwardly looked around at the new faces in the classroom. They used it as a way to getting to know each other and ease the tension, which how does three measly words serve to know someone? As each child went and muttered their three words with a hot face and eyes down, I feverishly repeating my three words in my head so I didn’t stumble on them when all eyes were on me.

With the smirk smile on my face, I began to ponder what three words describe me. They have transformed from my grade school days and my adolescent self. Should I lie and use words the employer would like or be true and describe myself? Two men moved from their chairs to the hiring Sargent and I fidgeted in my chair as I started to feel the dampness underneath my arms. The agitation grew and my mind began deleting the words I had stored. With my face hot, I looked down at my jostling foot and began to admire my shoes…

I love my style. Quirky professional is my word for it. My sister says some days I look like a rainbow barfed on me and I take that as a compliment. My eye has always been drawn to bright colors such as purple, red, blue, highlighter yellow, and lime green. Admiring bright colors makes me happy so when I where these perky colors, it adds a little happiness to my outfit.

Quirky. First word down.

I shuffled in my seat again, trying to conjure two more words. A metallic clatter rang in my ears as I saw my car keys hit the hard floors. As I picked them up, I stared at the picture keychain of my son, and a smile played across my lips…

My son is my world. People say the love for your child is unexplainable and it’s true. I can come home on a horrible day and when I am greeted by his one dimpled smile, I forget all my worries. He gave me purpose and guidance and bluntly, I need him more than he needs me. My compassion for him can never be formed to write on paper because they are not words to describe it.

Compassionate. One to go.

A lady, who looked to be twice my age, approached with the Sargent with her application in hand with her Doc Martin boots clubbing the floor as she walked, creating an echo in the eerie silent room. She did not look dressed for the interview, more or less for farm work, wearing denim and a brown polo to accompany her brown work boot. I took a glance at my own attire: black slacks, dark purple sweater, and black flats, edged with dark blue denim...

I was brought up to dress to impress. I came to this interview to impress. I wanted this job more than I needed it. I had learned in psychology that people get a sense of who you are in the first five seconds of seeing you. These judgments are made off of clothes, posture, and facial features. This job would be a new beginning for me if I received it and If I that meant I had to dress in an itchy sweater and exaggeratedly smile for an extensive time, then I would. My mindset can be put to anything and you bet I would put all my time and effort into it. What can I say, I’m an exceedingly driven gal.

Driven. Done.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Some Kind Of Wonderful


This is my cousin’s best friend’s blog. It is personal blog written by the mother, who happens to be Mormon. My mother is always infatuated with this family. She calls them, “the perfect Mormon family,” and they really are. She is the mother of 4, going on 5, picture perfect children and yet still finds time to blog several times a week.

Who is it directed towards:

The blog is directed toward this woman’s friends and family…and the creepers such as my own mother.

How Well Written:

The author writes as if she is just talking to her friends, which she is, so the grammar and punctuation aren’t up to par. Several posts are just media, with no writing from her.

Gut Feeling:

Her blog is absolutely adorable. She always has fun postings and I find myself reading her blog more than my cousin’s. The blog is what I believe a blog is meant for, to describe exciting events and pictures of your family, and she does just that.
Many people believe Mormons to be these crazy polygamists. When I mention Mormons to people, they picture people of this religion to look like the Amish, clothed head to toe and to be the butt of a joke. This woman’s blog breaks all myths about families of the LDS church. She is a beautiful woman, elegantly clothed and hair always done, with a normal job and an exceptional family.
We aren’t all crazy.

Letter Grade:


I love how this is just a traditional blog.